Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 Max Level Tactical Class Build – Best Weapons and Perks

Jumping into Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 can be overwhelming, especially when you’re trying to optimize your Tactical class build for maximum effectiveness.

In this guide, we’re going to break down the Best Max Level Tactical Class Build in Space Marine 2, complete with weapon choices, perks, and strategies that will give you the edge in any mission, even on the toughest difficulties.

This Tactical Class Build in Space Marine 2 will ensure you can handle anything the battlefield throws at you. Let’s dive into the details!

You can also checkout: Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 Which Class to Pick – Best Build Setups

Why You Need This Tactical Class Build in Space Marine 2?

Why You Need This Tactical Class Build in Space Marine 2
Tactical Class Build in Space Marine 2

In Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2, balance and versatility are key for the Tactical class.

This build not only gives you access to the Best Weapons in Space Marine 2 but also ensures you’re making full use of the most optimal perks to handle every enemy.

With the right combination of weapons and perks, you’ll be able to:

  • Maximize damage output
  • Replenish ammo effectively
  • Support your team with game-changing abilities
  • Stay alive longer in heated battles

This guide will cover everything you need to know to master the Tactical Class in Space Marine 2 and dominate the battlefield!

Best Perks for Tactical Class in Space Marine 2

Best Perks for Tactical Class in Space Marine 2
Best Perks for Tactical Class in Space Marine 2

Let’s break down the Best Perks in Space Marine 2:

Balance DistributionIncreases your primary weapon damage by 10%, but reduces your secondary by 10%.
Relentless PursuitBoosts range damage by 25% for 5 seconds after a gun strike.
Emperor’s VengeanceKilling a majoris-level enemy restores a full magazine of ammo.
Aligned AimProvides a 5% team-wide increase in ranged damage.
Vital DataRestores 50% of your Auspex scan charge when scanning extremist enemies.
Precise CalibrationReduces Auspex radius but makes marked enemies take 75% more damage.
Concentrated FireLimits Auspex to a specific AOE, but increases damage by 100% for enemies inside it.
Marked for DeathAllows one extremist enemy to be instantly killed with a headshot when marked by Auspex.
Perks & Effects in Space Marine 2

These perks synergize to create an extremely versatile and powerful Tactical class. The focus here is on increasing your overall damage, supporting your squad, and keeping your ammo replenished in the heat of battle.

Best Weapons for Tactical Class in Space Marine 2

Best Weapons for Tactical Class in Space Marine 2
Best Weapons for Tactical Class in Space Marine 2

While your perks are important, the weapons you choose are just as crucial to maximize your Tactical class’s potential.

Here are the best weapons to pair with this build:

  1. Bolt Rifle with Grenade Launcher
    The Bolt Rifle is a solid all-around weapon, but the version with a grenade launcher is top-tier. The grenade launcher allows you to clear groups of enemies quickly and deal massive damage to elite targets. Combined with the Emperor’s Vengeance perk, you’ll be replenishing grenades after every kill, turning the weapon into a devastating tool.
  2. Melta Rifle
    The Melta Rifle is perfect for close-range encounters. Its cone-shaped damage can melt through hordes of weaker enemies and elites alike. The Emperor’s Vengeance ensures that you won’t run out of ammo as long as you are landing kills, making this an excellent choice for aggressive players.
  3. Plasma Incinerator
    The Plasma Incinerator deals heavy damage but can overheat quickly. Focus on reducing charge times and increasing damage output through the perk tree. With the Emperor’s Vengeance perk, you’ll restore ammo after every kill, making this weapon even more deadly in the right hands.

Here is another guide for you: Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 Class Customization – Weapons, Armor Sets & Astartes Chapters

Build Strategy in Space Marine 2 – Maximum Effectiveness

Build Strategy in Space Marine 2 - Maximum Effectiveness

When using the Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 Max Level Tactical Class Build, your playstyle will revolve around smart perk synergy and careful weapon use.

  • Focus on Mid to Close Range: With weapons like the Melta Rifle and Bolt Rifle, you’ll be at your most effective when engaging enemies up close or mid-range.
  • Use Auspex Smartly: The Auspex scan is a key tool for marking enemies, especially Majoris and extremist-level enemies. Coordinate with your team to burst down targets while they’re under the scan’s effect.
  • Leverage Team Synergy: The Tactical class is great for supporting your squad, and perks like Aligned Aim and Vital Data make a big difference in team play. Communicate with your teammates to maximize the damage output during critical moments.

Recommended Secondary and Melee Weapons in Space Marine 2

Recommended Secondary and Melee Weapons in Space Marine 2
Bolt Pistol in Space Marine 2

Though your Primary Weapons in Space Marine 2 do the heavy lifting, your secondary and melee weapons still play an important role.

  • Secondary Weapon: Bolt Pistol
    Choose the Bolt Pistol with the highest magazine capacity and perks that boost damage. This weapon is reliable when you need to finish off an enemy or restore your primary weapon’s ammo.
  • Melee Weapon: Chainsword
    The Chainsword is your go-to for close-quarters combat. Perks like Crushing Heal help reduce incoming damage by 30%, giving you a chance to deal with multiple enemies at once without getting overwhelmed.


The Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 Max Level Tactical Class Build is a must for any player looking to maximize their damage output, support their team, and dominate the battlefield.

With the right combination of perks and weapons, you’ll be able to tackle any mission, no matter how difficult. Master this build, and you’ll quickly find yourself at the top of your squad.

Stay flexible with your weapon choices, communicate with your team, and always make sure you’re leveraging your Emperor’s Vengeance perk to stay fully stocked on ammo.

Now, get out there and show the galaxy what a Tactical class Space Marine is truly capable of!

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