Once Human: Best Base Build/Location for Crude Oil, Acid, Fuel, Beer, Polluted Water, Wheat, Food, Electricity – Best Automated Base

In Once Human, managing your base efficiently is crucial for survival. One of the best ways to ensure a steady supply of essential resources like acid and fuel is by strategically choosing your base location. This guide on “Once Human: Best Base Build/Location for Crude Oil, Acid, Fuel, Beer, Polluted Water, Wheat, Food, Electricity” will show you how to set up the Best Automated Base in Once Human that not only provides infinite acid and fuel but also produces beer, polluted water, wheat, food, and harnesses energy from polluted areas. Let’s dive into the best location and strategies to get your base running at peak performance.

Also check out: Once Human Best Locations for Stronghold Base – Tier 5, Pollution, Oil, Water, Loot, and More

Why This Base Location is Essential

In Once Human, resources like acid and fuel are the backbone of many crafting recipes and base operations.

Finding a base location that provides these resources in abundance can give you a significant advantage, allowing you to focus on exploring and fighting rather than constantly gathering materials.

You get impure acid from the polluted water, and you get fuel from crude oil. Both the polluted water and the crude oil depend on the location you have your base in.

Thus, it becomes essential to find the best location for a base that has both of these resources, providing you infinite amount of acid and fuel.

Note: All of this is automated, meaning you don’t have to stick around and spend hours on these resources. We will help you make a base that does all of this itself. You just have to come and pick up your resources and spend a few minutes around.

Best Base Location for Acid, Fuel, Polluted Water and Crude Oil

Best Base Location for Acid, Fuel, Polluted Water and Crude Oil
Best Base Location for Acid, Fuel, Polluted Water and Crude Oil

The best base location is in the Red Sands region next to Blackfell City, specifically near the Blackfell oilfields. Keep in mind that the ideal location should have barely any pollution, around the 13 mark. 13 is enough for the full energy outcome.

This area is rich in both crude oil and pollution, making it perfect for setting up a base that produces acid and fuel automatically.

Gray and Black areas to get Crude Oil in Once Human
Gray and Black areas to get Crude Oil in Once Human
  • Black Spots: These indicate oil-rich areas. Building your base near these spots ensures a steady supply of crude oil.
  • Gray Spots: These are also oil-rich, and by placing your base in a location where it touches these spots, you can tap into the crude oil reserves for your operations.

Both of these locations provide you with a steady amount of crude oil. If your base is at least touching one of these dark areas (black/brown spots) on the ground, then you will get the crude oil from the whole area.

Through this Best Base Location for Acid and Fuel in Once Human, touching only a small part of the oil zone, you will be inside the polluted area of the zone and still get crude oil. When you touch the polluted area, you start getting the Polluted Water, which is the source of your Acid in Once Human.

Once Human Best Acid Production Base

Once Human Best Acid Production Base
Once Human Best Acid Production Base

To start producing acid at your base, you need to place water pumps in the polluted area.

Set up your water pumps in the polluted area. The pumps will draw both polluted water and crude oil from the ground.

Once Human Best Polluted Water Production Base
Once Human Best Polluted Water Production Base

It is around 0.5 to 15 pollution. You are in the oil area as well alongside being in the polluted zone, meaning your pumps are doing both, making barreled crude oil into themselves and also by connecting their water pipes to an osmosis filter, they are also pumping out the polluted water.

It is turned into Impure acid, and that impure acid goes into the brewing barrel. These barrels will take a 2:1 ratio, and with time they will produce acid in Once Human while you are sleeping, thus it is all automated.

How to get Clean Water in this Base?

This is a polluted zone and you are also getting crude oil, so getting clean water is impossible. But, how do you need it for various things? How to get dirty or even clean water?

Making Clean Water in Once Human through Osmosis Filter
Making Clean Water in Once Human through Osmosis Filter

You need to make an osmosis water purifier that is getting water from the water tank. This water tank is connected to the water purifier via a single pipe.

Dirty Water from Water Tank to Osmosis Filter that gives Clean Water
Dirty Water from Water Tank to Osmosis Filter that gives Clean Water

The purifier will turn the dirty water into clean water, specifically stored in your barrels.

To fill this water tank, you need dirty water as well. you need to manually head to the water stream nearby.

The best location for acid and fuel in Once Human has this closeby stream that you can use.

It takes you seconds to fill your water bottle with a ton of dirty water. Then, you can come to the Water Tank and try to fill it up with dirty water, and the purifier will convert it into clean water.

Once again, the only manual part here is getting the dirty water. After you fill it in, the rest is automatic, and you will automatically get the clean water in Once Human for your base.

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Once Human Best Beer Base Building

Malt Ale Beer in Once Human
Malt Ale Beer in Once Human

You can get beer and impure acid at the same time with this automated base.

Beer Production: Depending on the wheat used (normal or deviated), you can produce Stardust Malt Ale or Normal Malt Ale. These beers offer buffs like increased sanity, faster action speeds, and dehydration, which are crucial in battle.

Once Human Best Fuel Production Base

Once Human Best Fuel Production Base - Automated Fuel Collection through Refining Station that uses Crude Oil
Once Human Best Fuel Production Base – Automated Fuel Collection through Refining Station that uses Crude Oil

Fuel production is equally important, and it’s integrated with the acid production process as well. Here’s how to get a ton of fuel in Once Human through this base.

  1. Crude Oil Collection: As the water pumps draw crude oil, you can collect it directly from the pumps.
  2. Refinery Process: Deposit the crude oil into refineries, which will convert it into fuel over time.

Same as before, this is all automated and you will automatically get Fuel in Once Human within your base, through the Crude Oil extraction.

You simply have to pull crude oil from the ground using your water pump. It can be done every morning or when you have time.

Then, you can pump or dump that into your refinery, or refining facility. This process is quite slow in contrast to the others we have done so far including fuel and acid collection.

    Once Human Best Wheat Farming Base for Beer

    Once Human Best Wheat Farming Base for Beer
    Once Human Best Wheat Farming Base for Beer

    For consistent beer production, set up an automatic irrigation system connected to your water purifier. This system will water your wheat crops automatically, allowing you to focus on other tasks.

    • Growshroom: Place a Growshroom near your crops to ensure they grow efficiently. This mushroom will also automatically plant new seeds, ensuring a continuous supply of wheat. You can go to the box and put the number of seeds you want for the growshroom to automatically place. You can change the seed to any you like, including other vegetation that you want to harvest.

    The automatic water irrigation is connected through the pipes to the water pump, that is also connected to the clean water supply generated. We already have it mentioned above how to get clean water.

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    Once Human Automatic Energy Generation

    For energy, replace your normal generators with deviation energy generators. These generators are more efficient, especially when placed in polluted areas.

    • Pollution Boost: The generators produce more energy if placed in a polluted zone.
    • Energy Output: Each generator can produce up to 37 energy, with some variations depending on the pollution level.

    So, you can let your deviants generate all your electricity, which is automatic and lets you power everything in this best base for acid and fuel, alongside beer, wheat, and other things.

    Getting the Growshroom and Buzzy Bee

    To maximize your crop efficiency, you’ll need the Growshroom and Buzzy Bee:

    Growshroom Location

    Growshroom Location
    Growshroom Location

    Growshroom: Can be found in Meyer’s Market near Sunbury City Town. The teleportation tower is next to it.

    Growshroom Location
    Growshroom Location

    After using it, turn around and walk to north, and up the cliffs. You will find a small cave/hole and inside you will find some mushrooms and any of them can be the growshroom.

    Buzzy Bee Location

    Buzzy Bee Location
    Buzzy Bee Location

    Buzzy Bee: Found near Citrus County. It may take a few tries to get, but it’s worth the effort as it enhances your crops, allowing for the production of crazy wheat for better beer.

    Buzzy Bee Location
    Buzzy Bee Location

    Buzzy Bee is found near the anchor symbol of the Citrus Country. We will embed an image to help you out.

    Buzzy Bee Location
    Buzzy Bee Location

    Also check out: Once Human: How to Get All Toys Locations Model 1 to 9 – Bonus Llama Plush Toy Location!

    Automatically Getting Food – Lethal Rabbit Deviant

    Automatically Getting Food - Lethal Rabbit Deviant
    Automatically Getting Food – Lethal Rabbit Deviant

    Well, we are actually making the Best Automated Base for Acid, Fuel, Crude Oil, Wheat, Beer, Polluted Water, and much more. What’s left here is getting food automatically in Once Human.

    Food is essential because your character might starve, and that affects the carrying capacity and weapon stability.

    In our base, we will be putting Lethal Rabbit, a deviant that will farm food for you while you are away.

    Getting Lethal Rabbit in Once Human

    If you want to get the Lethal Rabbit Deviant, you need to first find the normal rabbits and skin them. After you get the meat of these rabbits, you will have a chance of getting the Lethal Rabbit Deviant that automatically farms food for you while you are away in Once Human.

    On average, you need around 30 rabbits on average to get a chance on Lethal Rabbit. Where to find these rabbits?

    Getting Lethal Rabbit - Best Rabbit Farm in Once Human
    Getting Lethal Rabbit – Best Rabbit Farm in Once Human

    You need to head to the area here in the image above, near the lakeside. Here you will find a ton of rabbits that you can hunt and get a chance of getting the Lethal Rabbit.

    Defense for Best Automated Base in Once Human

    Defense for Best Automated Base in Once Human

    While you are away, there might be some enemies roaming around trying to take your base down. So, to tackle that you need an automatic machine gun in your base.

    Make sure that one tower has power and that has a gun that shoots the enemies down if you are away.

    Note: You can also put a switch and connect it to all the power provided to the Best Automatic Base in Once Human.

    This switch will help you activate or deactivate all these things from that single flick. Furthermore, it will put enough power into the tower where you are farming your waves.

    Don’t miss out on: Once Human: Best Weapons and Mods Build for PvE and PvP


    With the right setup and location, your base in Once Human can become a powerhouse of resource production, providing you with endless acid, fuel, crude oil, polluted water, wheat, food, electricity, and even beer. By choosing the best spot near the Blackfell oilfields and optimizing your base layout, you can focus more on the adventure ahead, knowing your base will continuously supply you with what you need to survive and thrive.

    If you are done with your base and want to decorate it, you need the Decoration Formulas. Check out our guide on How to Get Decoration Formulas in Once Human to help yourself out and decorate your base.

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