Hey there, fellow Elden Ring adventurer! Today, we’re diving into a sneaky strategy to take down Radahn in Elden Ring DLC without even engaging in direct combat. Yes, you heard that right. With a bit of cunning and the help of Taylew, the Golem Smith, you can achieve the impossible.
Radahn, one of the Best Bosses in Elden Ring DLC, is truly the pinnacle of boss fights, being so brutally ruthless that players had to quit the game, and some had remarks of Elden Ring DLC Radahn Boss Fight being unjustified.
So, killing him is a different feat not many are made for. Thus, to get your hands on a secret technique that saves you from a direct conflict with Radahn and defeats him without fighting is truly unfathomable. Let’s get started.
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Prepare for the Stealth Approach

First things first, make sure you’re equipped with the essentials. Head towards the Foggy Door and get ready to cast two crucial spells: Unseen Form and Assassin’s Gambit. Both are key to pulling off this ingenious tactic.
Executing the Plan

Once both spells are active, slip through the Foggy Door unnoticed. Radahn won’t even know you’re there! Wait patiently until he loses interest and walks away.
Now, summon Taylew the Golem Smith. As soon as you stand up and the spells wear off, Taylew will draw Radahn’s attention, allowing you to stay on the sidelines. Equip your Fingerprint Stone shield to guard against any stray attacks that might come your way during the brawl.
Supporting Taylew
Throughout the battle, your main role is to keep Taylew in fighting shape using the Heal From Afar spell. While you can’t lock onto Radahn directly, aim your heals towards Taylew whenever his health dips.
If Radahn decides to turn his fury towards you, keep your guard up and maneuver towards Taylew. This will redirect Radahn’s aggression back to the Golem Smith, keeping you safe.
Position yourself strategically behind Radahn to avoid his area-of-effect attacks and ensure Taylew’s survival.
Boosting Taylew’s Performance

As Phase 2 begins, enhance Taylew’s capabilities by consuming Wondrous Physick and using Glovewort Crystal Tears. These items significantly increase Taylew’s attack power and sustain throughout the tougher phase of the battle.
For sustained healing, consider using the Crimson Burst Dried Tear, which gradually restores Taylew’s health over time. Stay vigilant during Radahn’s aggressive Phase 2, focusing on healing Taylew more frequently to keep him in the fight.
Surviving Radahn’s Attacks
Watch out for Radahn’s devastating Meteor Crash attack during the latter stages of the battle. When he raises his sword and prepares to strike the ground, immediately move away from the targeted area.
Roll twice upon impact to minimize damage, knowing that Taylew can absorb most of the blow without faltering.
Preparing for the Battle

To maximize Taylew’s resilience, ensure he’s upgraded to plus 10 and equipped with all Revered Spirit Ashes. These enhancements will make Taylew a formidable ally against Radahn’s onslaught.
Gear Up
Equip your Fingerprint Stone Shield with Sacred Blade Ash of War for 93% health protection during blocks in Phase 2. Additionally, use Pearl Drake Plus 3 and Great Shield and Pearl Shield Talismans to mitigate elemental damage and enhance your defense.
For offensive prowess, wield the Primal Glintstone Blade to reduce FP costs by 25%. Aim for a minimum of 48 Strength to effectively use the shield and allocate additional points into Faith and Intelligence for healing and spellcasting abilities.
And there you have it! By employing this clever strategy with Taylew the Golem Smith, you can defeat Radahn in Elden Ring DLC without even fighting him head-on. It’s all about preparation, timing, and leveraging your resources wisely. Stay tuned for more boss guides and tips on our channel, as we continue to unravel the mysteries of Elden Ring’s challenging DLC.