Elden Ring DLC Best Talismans Ranked – From Worst to Best

In the world of Elden Ring DLC, talismans can make or break your build. With the new DLC, you’ve got a mix of exciting and somewhat questionable talismans to choose from. This guide on “Elden Ring DLC Best Talismans Ranked” will help you navigate through the latest talisman options, ranking them to optimize your build and enhance your gameplay experience.

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The Ultimate Elden Ring DLC Talisman Tier List
Two Handed Sword Talisman in Elden Ring

When it comes to Elden Ring DLC Talismans, they offer unique benefits that can significantly impact your build. From boosting specific stats to providing situational advantages, selecting the right talisman is crucial for maximizing your effectiveness.

Here’s our detailed Elden Ring DLC Best Talisman Ranking Tier List – From Worst to Best to help you make informed decisions and optimize your build:

Talisman of Lord’s Bestowal

Talisman of Lord's Bestowal - Elden Ring DLC Worst to Best Talismans Ranked
Talisman of Lord’s Bestowal – Elden Ring DLC Worst to Best Talismans Ranked

Talisman of Lord’s Bestowal is designed to enhance poise during healing animations. However, its utility is questionable.

It grants a 54% increase in poise, which may seem impressive but often falls short. If your poise is already high, this talisman becomes redundant.

The idea behind it is to prevent interruption during healing, but it lacks practical application for most players. Thus, it is included in the worst Elden Ring DLC Talismans category.

Beloved Stardust

The Beloved Stardust talisman boosts casting speed but at a significant cost. It reduces your damage negation by 30%, which can be a severe drawback.

With casting speed only truly affected beyond 70 Dexterity, this talisman’s benefits are often overshadowed by its downsides.

Its niche is limited, and many players might find the Radigan Icon more effective.

Verdigris Discus

Verdigris Discus
Verdigris Discus Talisman in Elden Ring

The Verdigris Discus offers damage reduction based on your equipment load, with 10% for medium load and 20% for overloaded states.

Unfortunately, the implementation is flawed, as it heavily penalizes you if you’re not in an overloaded state, making it impractical for most builds.

The damage reduction mechanics could have been better designed.

Mottled Necklace +2

The Mottled Necklace +2 provides a minor boost to resistance against specific ailments. However, it feels like a missed opportunity, offering only marginal improvements in certain situations.

For those focusing on status builds, this talisman does not significantly enhance gameplay and may not be worth your attention.

Ailment Talisman

The Ailment Talisman is designed to complement the Exaltation Talismans, but its effectiveness is questionable.

It can be useful for Madness builds when used with the Aged One’s Exaltation, but generally, its impact is minimal.

It’s best used in specific builds where Madness resistance is required.

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Cerulean Seed Talisman +1

The Cerulean Seed Talisman +1 restores FP, but it often proves unnecessary.

With high Mind stats and effective FP regeneration options already available, this talisman doesn’t offer much beyond what’s readily accessible.

It’s more of a niche item rather than a core component of a build.

Talisman of All Crucibles

The Elden Ring DLC Talisman of All Crucibles provides 45% damage reduction but at the cost of 30% reduced damage against critical hits.

While it consolidates multiple Crucible effects into one slot, its high cost may deter many players.

It’s a solid choice for those who value broad damage reduction but can be situational. Thus, taking its place among the Best Talisman in Elden Ring DLC, but on a lower scale.

Outer God Heirloom

Outer God Heirloom in Elden Ring - Worst to Best Talisman Ranked in Elden Ring DLC
Outer God Heirloom in Elden Ring – Worst to Best Talisman Ranked in Elden Ring DLC

The Outer God Heirloom boosts Arcane, but its availability late in the game makes it less useful for new players.

It’s designed to meet the requirements for specific Bael incantations but doesn’t provide substantial benefits for other builds.

Its late-game introduction limits its practical use.

Horn Charm +2

The Horn Charm +2 offers improved status resistance but falls short compared to the Exaltation Talismans.

They provide modest benefits but lack the enhanced effects of newer talismans.

Their effectiveness is limited, making them less appealing to most players.

Retaliatory Crossed-Tree

The Retaliatory Crossed-Tree enhances rolling and backstepping attacks. However, it’s less effective compared to other talismans that boost attack types with higher multipliers.

Its impact on gameplay is minimal, and it’s better to focus on other talismans for more significant benefits.

St. Trina’s Smile

The St. Trina’s Smile talisman increases damage from sleep status but has limited application. Its effectiveness is constrained by the difficulty of inflicting sleep status on bosses.

The niche use for this talisman makes it less practical for general gameplay.

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Dried Bouquet

The Dried Bouquet talisman boosts damage when your Spirit Summon dies, which can be difficult to capitalize on.

It’s more effective with multi-unit summons but less useful with single-unit summons. Its effectiveness depends heavily on the context of your Spirit Summon.

Smithing Talisman

Smithing Talisman
Smithing Talisman in Elden Ring

The Smithing Talisman offers a boost to throwing attacks and certain weapon skills. It enhances weapons with specific throw skills and can be highly effective in particular setups.

However, its use is limited to a subset of weapons, making it less versatile overall. Yes, when you are using throwing weapons, you can consider Smithing Talisman as one of the Best Talisman Ranked in Elden Ring DLC, but outside this scope, there is no use whatsoever.

Blade of Mercy

The Blade of Mercy is a talisman that has caused quite a stir among players. It enhances critical hit damage, stacking with the Dagger Talisman to provide a significant boost of about 40% more damage.

This effect is triggered when you land two critical hits within 20 seconds, making it particularly synergistic with talismans like the Hammer Talisman and Stone Barbed Tear.

However, its practicality is limited compared to the Exaltation Talismans, as it requires you to achieve consecutive critical hits to activate its full potential.

Rellana’s Cameo

Rellana’s Cameo provides a boost to powerful skills like Transient Moonlight and Night and Flame Stance.

When combined with the Shard of Alexander, this talisman can increase damage by up to 32%. While this is a notable increase, the narrow range of weapon skills it affects makes it less versatile.

The talisman requires a 1.5-second charging period, which can be risky in intense battles, making it less reliable than other damage-boosting options.

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Sharpshot, Reach, and Sting Talisman – Ansbach’s Longbow

The Ansbach’s Longbow initially received significant attention but seems to have fallen out of favor. It does not stack with the Reach Talisman but works with the regular Sting Talisman, providing an 18.8% damage increase.

When combined with Sharp Shot, the total damage boost can exceed 32%, making it useful for bow builds.

Additionally, it enhances the range of projectiles like Rock Sling and Storm Blade, although not as effectively as the Reach Talisman.

Its impact on other ranged attacks and specific skills like Dry Leaf Arts adds some niche value, though its overall use remains limited.

So, whenever you are using a bow, these are the best Talismans in Elden Ring DLC to equip, providing you with a mix of range, damage, and so on.

Great Shield Talismans

Great Shield Talismans - Elden Ring DLC Worst to Best Talisman Ranked
Great Shield Talismans – Elden Ring DLC Worst to Best Talisman Ranked

The Great Shield Talismans are categorized into three variations, each offering specific benefits.

The Pearl Drake Talisman is ideal for general protection, while element-specific talismans are better for dealing with particular types of elemental damage.

These talismans are particularly useful in challenging areas or against specific enemies, providing a solid defense that can be crucial in difficult encounters.

Enraged Divine Beast

The Enraged Divine Beast talisman offers a 10% damage boost to a broad range of skills and attacks within the Storm category.

This includes sorceries, incantations, skills, and arrows. Despite its wide applicability, it does not cover all storm-adjacent skills, leaving some gaps.

Its broad range of effects and synergy with various talismans make it a versatile choice, though it occasionally misses out on boosting specific preferred skills.

Golden Braid

The Golden Braid Talisman provides 22% holy damage negation, which is useful against holy attacks in DLC bosses.

It is particularly effective in scenarios where holy damage is prevalent, offering a significant advantage.

However, its impact is relatively modest compared to other talismans that offer more comprehensive benefits across multiple elements.

Crusade Insignia

The Crusade Insignia has become a favorite for its unexpected interactions.

It rewards players with bonus damage for defeating enemies, regardless of their aggression level. This talisman shines in scenarios with wide-sweeping or AoE attacks, making it excellent for dungeon exploration and general combat.

Its effectiveness in duo fights and against field bosses makes it a valuable addition to many builds.

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Aged One’s Exultation

The Aged One’s Exultation talisman boosts damage based on the Madness status.

With the addition of Midra’s Flame of Frenzy, proccing Madness on yourself becomes easier, providing a significant damage increase.

This talisman synergizes well with other madness-boosting items, making it one of the Best Talismans in Elden Ring DLC for builds focused on this status effect.

The Two-Handed Sword

The Two-Handed Sword talisman provides a 15% damage boost when using two-handed weapons.

Its flexibility across various weapon types, including daggers, makes it a versatile choice. Although it does not work with paired weapons, its synergy with other top-tier DLC items makes it a valuable asset for many builds.

Talisman of the Dread

Talisman of the Dread
Talisman of the Dread in Elden Ring DLC

The Talisman of the Dread offers a 15% boost to magma damage, which can be incredibly powerful when combined with fire-boosting items.

It significantly enhances magma-based builds, making it a key component for players focusing on this damage type.

The ability to stack its effects with other fire-related items makes it a dominant choice for magma builds.

The Two-Headed Turtle Talisman

The Two-Headed Turtle provides a substantial 23% stamina regeneration boost.

This talisman is crucial for builds that rely heavily on stamina, enhancing actions such as blocking, dodging, and attacking.

Its importance in power-stancing and defensive builds makes it an essential choice for maximizing stamina efficiency.

Crimson Seed Talisman +1

The Crimson Seed Talisman +1 offers a 30% increase in healing from flasks, making it a valuable resource-saving tool.

It significantly boosts your healing efficiency, countering negative effects from various sources.

Despite its effectiveness, some players may find incantation healing to be more reliable in specific scenarios.

Blessed Blue Dew

The Blessed Blue Dew Talisman stands out for its remarkable ability to regenerate FP quickly.

This makes it an excellent choice for buffing and casting spells, as it effectively makes many FP-consuming actions free.

Its ability to provide nearly unlimited FP for buffs and spells can dramatically enhance your gameplay, making it a crucial talisman for many builds.

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In the ever-evolving world of Elden Ring DLC, Optimizing Your Build is necessary, and choosing the right and Best Talisman can make a significant difference in your gameplay experience. Whether you’re looking to maximize damage with the Blade of Mercy or enhance stamina regeneration with the Two-Headed Turtle, each talisman offers unique advantages tailored to specific builds and playstyles.

Understanding how to effectively combine and utilize these talismans will help you craft the ultimate setup for any challenge. For the latest strategies and optimal talisman setups, keep exploring our comprehensive Elden Ring DLC Talisman Tier List and stay ahead in your quest for victory.

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