Deadlock: Best Solo Carries Ranked Tier List – Worst to Best

In Deadlock, mastering solo carry characters can be the key to winning in chaotic solo queue matches. With most players operating independently, finding the right character to dominate can turn the tide of battle. That’s why we’ve crafted this detailed guide to rank the best solo carry champions in Deadlock from S-tier powerhouses to those that struggle in disorganized environments. Whether you’re looking to climb ranks or just enhance your gameplay, this guide will help you decide which Best Characters to focus on for solo carry potential.

Why This Solo Carry Tier List Matters

If you’re tired of getting stuck in a solo queue with teammates who don’t cooperate, you’re not alone.

Solo games in Deadlock often turn into chaotic, uncoordinated messes, which is why it’s important to know which characters can carry a game by themselves.

While high MMR players have their own rankings based on team coordination, this guide is designed for players like you—those dealing with unpredictable teams.

We’ve compiled the ultimate tier list of characters in Deadlock, showing you who can dominate matches solo and who might need a bit more teamwork to shine.

This guide breaks down each character’s strengths, weaknesses, and solo-carry potential, giving you everything you need to take control of your games.

S-Tier Solo Carries: Best Carries to Pick in Deadlock for Solo


Shiv - Best S-Tier Solo Carry in Deadlock
Shiv – Best S-Tier Solo Carry in Deadlock

Without a doubt, Shiv is the ultimate and the best solo carry in Deadlock. His leech abilities and siphon bullets make him virtually unstoppable.

Once you unlock key abilities like Unstoppable, Shiv can 1v6 opponents, turning even the most desperate situations in your favor.

His design allows him to sustain through multiple enemies, with little counterplay available.

This makes him an absolute must-pick for anyone aiming to carry solo.

If you want to learn how to Play Shiv like a Pro in Deadlock, give a read to this guide.


Second only to Shiv, Lash excels in lower MMR games where players often underestimate her mobility and kill potential.

Her speed across the map and fast takedown abilities make her a lethal force.

Paired with a high-impact ultimate, she can swiftly turn the tide of battle, making her a solid S-tier character to solo carry in Deadlock.


While not as obvious as Shiv and Lash, Infernus’s laning stage is one of the best in the game. His DPS and lifesteal allow him to thrive in 1v2 and 1v3 situations, crucial for carrying solo.

With his Spirit Lifesteal build, Infernus becomes a nightmare for opponents, ensuring he stays alive through even the toughest engagements.


Paradox’s damage is insane, especially in the lower MMR bracket. This hero in Deadlock deserves to be number forth in our S-tier Solo Carries Ranking.

With the damage on the rail gun, you are guaranteed to kill every enemy in your way fairly early on.

The lane stage is also strong, and you can escape fairly easily if in danger.


At the bottom of our S-tier best solo carries in Deadlock, we are putting Vindecta. She is a snowball character, meaning if you are better than everyone on the server, you are going to dominate easily with Vindecta.

Using assassinate, you can get a lot more souls than everyone else.

A-Tier Solo Carries: Strong but Situational


Pocket – Best A-Tier Solo Carry in Deadlock

Pocket has the potential to be an S-tier carry, but his ultimate weakens as the game progresses, and that’s why we have Pocket as the best A-tier Solo Carry in Deadlock at the moment.

Early on, his Barrage ability is devastating, especially when enemies are unaware of its mechanics.

However, his effectiveness drops off in the late game, making him more situational for solo play.


Though not as dominant as the top S-tier champions, Wraith’s solo kill potential makes her a strong pick for solo queue and carry.

With her ultimate, she can get far ahead of opponents, making her an A-tier choice for players looking to carry through farming and survival.


A good balance between solo, tank, and the potential to kill enemies in lanes. Quite slow, but if you can build movement items on him, the mobility adds up to the usefulness.

B-Tier Solo Carries: Capable but Challenging

Lady Geist

Lady Geist – Best B-Tier Solo Carry in Deadlock

Lady Geist deserves a place at the bottom of A-tier for her damage amplification and versatile kit. With the ability to swap health and clear waves efficiently, she’s a solid choice for solo play, though not the easiest to master.

Grey Talon

Grey Talon has immense damage output, but his squishiness can hold him back from top-tier solo carry potential.

His lack of survivability makes him more vulnerable in chaotic solo queues, though skilled players can still make him work in the right circumstances.


While Bebop shines with team coordination, solo play makes him difficult to manage.

His hooking ability requires a follow-up that’s hard to achieve without proper teammates, placing him firmly in B-tier for solo carry potential.


Once a dominant solo carry, Haze has fallen to B-tier due to a lack of utility and diminished damage output.

She’s simply not on par with the current meta, and other characters outperform her in almost every role.

If you want to learn how to Play Haze like a Pro in Deadlock, give this guide a read.


One of the best carriers in Deadlock, but due to the complexity and dependency on the team, she falls at the end of our B-tier list.

In the start, she used to be S or A tier for solo carries in Deadlock, but as of now, she is not good for solo players.

If you want to learn how to Play Yamato like a Pro in Deadlock, check out our guide.

Abrams and Kelvin

Both Abrams and Kelvin allow you to solo carry in Deadlock because of their kits

Abrams can become a killing machine fairly easily in the game, and Kelvin has exceptional rotational power and also gets solo kills with his ultimate after building Alchemical Fire.

Both of these are characters that we don’t think you should be picking if you are looking to solo carry in Deadlock, but in case it comes to you picking them, they can do alright.

C-Tier Solo Carries: Struggling to Shine

  • Mo and Krill
  • Seven
  • Dynamo
  • Ivy

D-Tier Solo Carries: Worst Carries to Pick for Solo Play in Deadlock

  • McGinnis
  • Viscous

Deadlock Solo Carry Ranking Tier List

RankCharacterKey Strengths
SShivBest sustain, 1v6 potential
SLashHigh mobility, fast kill potential
SInfernusStrong laner, high DPS, lifesteal
SParadoxRailgun, Early Strong Lane, Good Damage
SVindectaAssassinate kill more souls
APocketStrong early game, Barrage ability
AWraithSolo kill potential, survivability
AWardenSolo kill, tank, potential, and balanced
BLady GeistDamage amp, versatility, and health swap
BGrey TalonHigh damage but squishy
BBebopRequires team coordination
BHazeLow utility, weaker damage
BYamatoTeam dependant
CMo and Krill
Deadlock Solo Carry Ranking Tier List


In the fast-paced, unpredictable world of Deadlock, your choice of character can make or break a solo game. Whether it’s Shiv’s unstoppable power, Lash’s mobility, or Infernus’s tanky lifesteal, the right solo carry can help you rise through the ranks. Keep this Deadlock Best Solo Carries Ranked tier list in mind as you approach your next game, and don’t hesitate to adapt your strategy based on the evolving meta.

By mastering these characters, you’ll turn the tide of battle and carry your team to victory—even when they don’t seem to be cooperating.

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