How to Gank Properly in Deadlock
Ganking is one of the most powerful tactics in Deadlock. It’s the art of leaving your lane at the perfect moment to tilt the odds in favor of your team, potentially turning the tide of a match. In this guide,…
Ganking is one of the most powerful tactics in Deadlock. It’s the art of leaving your lane at the perfect moment to tilt the odds in favor of your team, potentially turning the tide of a match. In this guide,…
In Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2, where survival and destruction reign supreme, one class stands out as the ultimate defender: the Bulwark. This mighty shield-bearing tank doesn’t just protect itself; it ensures the survival of its team by creating death…
Ready to dominate the battlefield? Assault Bomber is the Best Assault Class Build in Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 and your ultimate tool for obliterating enemies from the skies. This guide takes you through an optimized build for maximum effectiveness…
In Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 Operations mode is where the real fun begins. This three-player co-op PvE experience has more to it than just blasting your way through hordes of enemies. Beneath the surface, hidden collectibles and game-changing rewards…
Melee combat in Warhammer 40k Space Marines 2 can be intense, fast-paced, and unforgiving. Mastering the art of dodging, parrying, and targeting the right enemies will be the key to staying alive. This guide will help you navigate the chaos…
Understanding the complex itemization system in Deadlock can be the difference between victory and defeat. While the game may initially feel overwhelming due to the vast range of items, mastering the mechanics behind them is essential for maximizing your hero’s…
In the intense battles of Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2, mastering your rank, weapons, and perks can give you the edge you need to dominate the battlefield. If you’re aiming to climb the ranks swiftly and boost your weapon mastery,…
Jumping into Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 can be overwhelming, especially when you’re trying to optimize your Tactical class build for maximum effectiveness. In this guide, we’re going to break down the Best Max Level Tactical Class Build in Space…
Ready to dominate the battlefield in Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2? You’ll need to master the game’s intricate class and weapon leveling system. This guide breaks down how to Level Up Classes in Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2, unlock powerful…
In Deadlock, mastering solo carry characters can be the key to winning in chaotic solo queue matches. With most players operating independently, finding the right character to dominate can turn the tide of battle. That’s why we’ve crafted this detailed…