Best Starting Beginner Locations for Satisfactory 1.0

Ready to dive into the world of Satisfactory 1.0? Picking the Best Starting Location in Satisfactory 1.0 can make or break your factory’s success.

This guide walks you through the top beginner-friendly locations, comparing resources, space for expansion, and ease of access.

Whether you’re just getting started or optimizing your next run, we’ve got you covered with the ultimate tips for success in Satisfactory 1.0.

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Why Choose the Right Starting Location in Satisfactory 1.0?

Why Choose the Right Starting Location in Satisfactory 1.0?

In Satisfactory, where you start can have a huge impact on how quickly you progress through the game. The map offers several starting areas, each with its own strengths, resources, and challenges.

Making the right choice will set the pace for your early game, affecting how easily you access critical resources like coal, quartz, and oil.

This guide will walk you through the best starting beginner locations for Satisfactory 1.0, highlighting the pros and cons of each area to help you decide which one will give you the best head start.

Top Beginner Friendly Starting Locations in Satisfactory 1.0

Starting out in Satisfactory can feel a bit overwhelming with the vast open world and countless possibilities for factory building. However, choosing the right starting location can make all the difference in easing into the game.

For beginners, some areas offer better access to resources, easier terrain for building, and fewer hostile creatures.

Let’s explore the top beginner-friendly starting locations that will set you up for success in Satisfactory 1.0.

1. Grass Hills in Satisfactory 1.0

Grass Hills in Satisfactory 1.0
Grass Hills in Satisfactory 1.0
  • Pros
    • Scenic and open, perfect for sprawling base setups. A good mix of early-game nodes including iron, copper, and limestone.
  • Cons
    • Many nodes are impure or normal, which means you’ll have to work harder to gather resources. Requires significant travel to reach critical resources like quartz and coal.

Best Strategy

Start at the default location in Grass Hills and expand east to reach quartz nodes and coal. This progression will keep your factory powered and growing.

While the area is lovely, keep in mind that impure nodes will slow down resource collection, so efficiency may suffer early on.

2. Rocky Desert in Satisfactory 1.0

Rocky Desert in Satisfactory 1.0
Rocky Desert in Satisfactory 1.0
  • Pros
    • Resource-rich with four accessible coal nodes, making it ideal for coal power setups early on. Wide, flat terrain for building large factories.
  • Cons
    • Quartz nodes are tricky to reach, requiring a trip through a spider-filled cave. You’ll need to unlock explosives to access some blocked areas.

Best Strategy

The Rocky Desert is widely regarded as one of the best places to start in Satisfactory 1.0 for beginners. Its open layout and ample resources make it easy to progress, especially with the added coal nodes.

You may need to prepare for a challenge when gathering quartz, but this location still stands out as the most accessible and flexible area for early expansion.

3. Dune Desert in Satisfactory 1.0

Dune Desert in Satisfactory 1.0
Dune Desert in Satisfactory 1.0
  • Pros
    • Vast open spaces perfect for large-scale factories. Rich in resources like coal and oil, making it easy to scale up to mid- and late-game.
  • Cons
    • Resources are more spread out, requiring longer travel distances. The barren landscape might not be visually appealing to some players.

Best Strategy

The Dune Desert is ideal for players who want to go big with their factory setups. With its massive open areas, you can easily expand your operation, but be prepared to travel further for certain key resources.

Coal is abundant here, so getting your power supply running won’t be an issue.

4. Northern Forest in Satisfactory 1.0

Northern Forest in Satisfactory 1.0
Northern Forest in Satisfactory 1.0
  • Pros
    • Dense with pure nodes, providing a great resource boost right from the start. Central location makes it easier to access other areas of the map. Abundant trees for biomass, which can be automated early on.
  • Cons
    • Limited space for factory expansion, especially in the beginning stages. Requires explosives to unlock some of the more valuable nodes.

Best Strategy

The Northern Forest is a resource-rich area perfect for early-game efficiency. The addition of quartz nodes nearby means you can start unlocking windows and other key technologies early.

You’ll need to manage space wisely, but the dense forest and close proximity to critical resources make this location incredibly powerful for new players.

The ability to automate biomass production early gives a significant advantage in managing your energy supply.

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    Comparison of Starter Areas in Satisfactory 1.0

    LocationKey ResourcesDifficultyExpansion SpaceBest For
    Grass HillsIron, CoalMediumLargeNew Players
    Rocky DesertCoal, IronEasyLargePower Setup
    Dune DesertCoal, OilMediumVery LargeLate Game
    Northern ForestIron, QuartzMediumLimitedEarly Automation

    Which Starting Location in Satisfactory 1.0 is Best for You?

    Which Starting Location in Satisfactory 1.0 is Best for You?

    When choosing the Best Starting Beginner Location for Satisfactory 1.0, it really comes down to how you want to play the game.

    If you’re after a beginner-friendly, resource-dense start with quick access to coal and biomass automation, the Northern Forest is your best bet.

    If you prefer wide-open spaces with a steady progression into power and factory building, the Rocky Desert is a solid choice.

    For players who want to take their time and go big with factory designs, the Dune Desert offers ample space and resource clusters, but it requires more effort to transport materials.

    And finally, the Grass Hills, while scenic, may require extra legwork due to its abundance of impure nodes.


    Choosing the right location to kick off your factory adventure is crucial for early success in Satisfactory 1.0.

    Look for wide-open spaces to expand in the Dune Desert, a resource-rich paradise in the Northern Forest, or the efficient setup potential in the Rocky Desert, this guide helps you pick the Best Starting Beginner Location in Satisfactory 1.0

    Dive in, start building, and enjoy exploring the massive world of Satisfactory.

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